Jesus said:” If a person remains in me and I in him he will bear much fruit.” (John 15:5) In verse four he promised that if a person remains in him he would remain in them. So, we can say, that based on the Word of God, if we remain in Jesus we will bear much fruit.
How do we remain in Jesus? Well first, we must put our faith in Jesus and invite him to become the boss of our lives. Then he comes into our lives, transforms/rearranges them and lives with in us, and we live in him. It is like when we move into a house and make it our home. He makes things really wonderful. It can be a bit painful when he rearranges things, but it is worth it.
The word “remain” means we make this a permanent relationship. We keep submitting to him – obeying him. We seek to know him better through Bible study, worship and prayer. Through these three disciplines we communicate, and our relationship grows.
(Next time, what is this fruit we will bear?)
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